The News, as well as many other Denton friends, extends congratulations. Kirkman is said to be an honorable and wealthy gentleman, worthy of the fair prize he has won. She has been on a visit to friends in Washington for the past year. Jones, of this city, and is a favorite with all who know her. They will be at home after January 10, 121 Washington Street, Walla Walla. The happy young couple were tendered a reception from 8:30 to 10 o'clock at the residence of Mr. The marriage was solemnized at 8 o'clock, Wednesday evening, January 3rd, at the First Baptist Church, Walla Walla, Washington. (Denton County News, Denton, Tex, July 20, 1892)Ĭards have been received by Denton friends announcing the marriage of Miss Permella Jones to Mr. Jenkins, of Jenkins, Grant & co.,and Miss Ola Eads, daughter of our county treasurer, James Eads, will be married at the latter's residence at 8 o'clock this evening. (Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Fort Worth, Tex, Svm) Henry Greene and Miss Alice Haynes, Denton, September 24. Moore, formerly of Waco, was married on Dec. (Dallas Morning News (Dallas, TX) Monday, Septemsd) Davis and Miss Mehesy Watson were married at the County Clerk's office this morning. (The Houston Daily Post, Houston, Tex, vm)ĭenton, Tex. Sherman, Texas, July 30 - Robert Chandler and Miss Laura Robinson of Pilot Point were married here this morning. (Presbyterian of the South, Atlanta, Ga., Jvm) Brown, of Salisbury, NM, and Miss Lillian E. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Mr. Married: On June 19, 1914, at the residence of MRs. (Dallas Morning News (Dallas, TX) Friday, Novemsd)

Cantrell were married in Pilot Point this week. (The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, La, vm)ĭenton, Tex., Nov. Baltimore Md, Birmingham and Huntsville, Ala. Garrett, Joseph Brewer, of New Orleans, La., and Miss Lucy T. (Presbyterian of the South, Atlanta, Ga., Apvm) Birdson, of Sherman, Texas, and Miss Katherine Crawford Hogue, of Denton, Tex. McFadden, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Mr. Hogue, Denton, Texas, April 4, 1910, by Rev. Married: At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. (Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Fort Worth, Tex, vm) (Dallas Morning News (Dallas, TX) Sept 29, 1904. Barnett of Blue Ridge and Miss Iva Pauline Bone were married at the Baptist church in Little Elm, Denton county. The young couple have the congratulations of a host of friends. Webster, of Pilot Point, where she has many warm friends. Atkins is an affable gentleman, and a “knight of the grip.” Miss Webster is the daughter of Mr. Atkins and Miss Mallie Webster, of Pilot Point, were married at Aubrey Sunday evening. Arnold and Miss Hattie Stewart, Denton, December 2. Marriage Announcements of Denton County, Texas